4/27 - Location
Temecula, CA - 9/2/24 - We just moved in at the beginning of August, so my connection in the area is a little too new. I live with my 2 roommates in a quiet neighborhood near Old Town. We have quite a few animals with us, the notable one being Scarlet, my friend's 12-year-old lab mix. I haven't been able to explore much of the area as I'm in between jobs at the moment and moving in has proven to be a handful. So whatever free time I have, I spend on my PC. Recently, I got into DJing with one of my roommates and I mostly play sets in VR. My trusted fan will always cool down the room. Music is one thing that inspires my work as I hope that one day, it could become a full-time venture.
9/4/24 - Lake Skinner
"9/4 - Location Scouting"
"It's been super hard to do anything outside of the house the past month. I look forward to do this class getting me moving. When asked about a location, I had no clue where. I looked up trails and Lake Skinner was the closest to me. So I brought my camera and journal, and set out. $6 later and I'm driving through the rec area. I won't be here very long because its 5:45 but it's just scouting today. It reminds me of camping as a kid. It's a bit too hot to stay around for too long."
9/18/24 - Santa Rosa Plateau 
"9/18 - SRP"
"Had to change locations, Lake Skinner would have been too expensive. I decided to take a quick look at SRP to get a vibe. I didn't spend too long here as I have errands to run, but grabbed a few pics and will look into the flowers when I get home. :)
Dove weed"
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